Friday, August 27, 2010

Feugerolle III

August 22 (Sunday):

The de Boyssons had been invited to an outdoor mass at a nearby home, so we spent the day over there. After the mass, we began to eat the lunches we had packed. French picnics are so cute! Everyone breaks out their baguettes and puts on some cheese and meat. There's wine, of course, and a lot of cookies and pastries. After we had lunch, Marie-Caroline and I chatted with a few of the other guests. One of the girls, Clemence, lived fairly close to Feugerolle, and she invited MC and me to her house. We went there yesterday. But I'm getting ahead of myself...

August 23 (Monday):

This day was fun, but there isn't a whole lot to write about. Since the weather was fairly overcast and windy, we played card games (a.k.a. poker) and chess. We also did a bit of exploring and followed a staircase under the house. At one point, Adrien's friend turned out the lights and closed the hatch. It took a great deal of restraint not to smack him when we finally got out.

Later in the day, MC's parents, her aunt and uncle, and the two of us went on a walk in a nearby town. We visited some "Roman vestiges," an old castle with an excellent view of the Rhone, hiked down a trail to the Rhone, and visited a dam. Yes, you read that right. Apparently it's a structural wonder.

August 24 (Tuesday):

On this day, a group of castle-loving people came to visit Feugerolle. They were very appreciative and thanked every de Boysson they could find. Later, we played (and I attempted to play) tennis for a grand total of three and a half hours. MC, Regis, and Adrien were super-patient instructors!

August 25 (Wednesday):

This Wednesday was by far the most relaxing day. It also happened to be the day when all the adults left in the afternoon! MC, Adrien, Regis, and I just hung out. We ate lunch together, then sat and talked by the garden, played some poker, and then played tennis for two hours. It was great. For dinner, we ate delicious ratatouille and rice. The boys were making fun of how I ate it, saying I was eating all the rice first. I didn't know how it would taste, but it turned out to be delicieux! I can't wait to try my hand at all this French food.

August 26 (Thursday):

This was when MC and I went to Clemence's house. It was very pleasant. They had bought the house when it was in shambles, and then fixed it up. It looks great! For lunch, we had a typical dish from the Rhone-Alps region of France. I think it was cooked potatoes and chicken, but I'm not sure. The three of us did a bit of swimming, but because the water was approximately 40°, I chickened out after a few minutes. We also met Clemence's little brother who asked me if we have cheese in America. I informed him that yes, we have cheese too.

That's it for now. Today we'll leave to go canoeing in about an hour. Ah - I need a nap. :)

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