Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Final Blog Update

August 27th (Friday):

It turned out that we went not so much canoeing, as inflatable kayaking. Marie-Caroline and I started out in a duo kayak together, but the next round we split up. It was when I started to get into the single kayak that I slipped, lost my grip on the kayak, and began to drift down the river.

This was not a moment I would describe as sheer happiness.

However, after 500 feet or so, I managed to grab a hold of my kayak and paddle, and got back in. It wasn't ten seconds before I had fallen back out. After MC showed me that I had not been properly secured in the kayak, I realized that it was possible to kayak and not fall out. This knowledge in mind, the remainder of the trip was most pleasant. The de Boyssons are all very athletic, and it was hard to keep up!

August 28th (Saturday):

We had originally planned to go to a nearby town, but cloudy weather ruined the chance. Mrs. de Boysson was really excited, so it was especially disappointing for her. We did manage to get in some shopping at Saint Etienne. I got some Bensimons! Later in the day, Mrs. de B shared some of her best recipes with me. She has been super-helpful!

August 29th (Sunday):

I finally got some family pictures of the de Boyssons after Mass. Everyone looked really snazzy. We ate a quick lunch and then headed to a ropes course nearby. It was pretty windy, but once we got to moving, we were pretty warm. The ropes course was pretty cool. Everything was high up in the trees. The courses had different difficulty levels, ranging from blue to green to red to black. We got as far as red, and that seemed to be adventurous enough for us. There were a number of ziplines, and they were exhilarating! We had a lot of fun.

August 30th (Monday):

This morning, Mr. de B, the boys, MC, and I left Feugerolle. We told Bon-Mamon and Mrs. de B goodbye. It was super-sad!

The drive was gorgeous, but long, and we stopped in Burgundy to look at L'Ancien Hospice de la Charité. It was fascinating to learn about the history of it!

Then the next day, Mr. de Boysson and Marie-Caroline took me to the airport. They made it no further than the security line, and we had to say goodbye. It was so hard to leave!

When I finally arrived in Charlotte at midnight, as a pleasant surprise, who did I see waiting with my mom but Ansley Ozment! What a good friend (and a good mom, too)!

So now that this blog is officially over, you are all officially given the link to the pictures from the trip. Since there are way too many of them, I'll be adding them in shifts throughout the next few days.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you've all enjoyed the blog!
~ Susan

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