Wednesday, August 11, 2010

La France!

Greetings from Paris! We arrived safely on Monday night, the de Boyssons picked me up, and we headed to their home. It is wonderful to see Marie-Caroline again, and her parents are incredibly gracious hosts.

On Tuesday morning, MC's parents, MC, and I set out to conquer Paris. We went to Notre Dame and the Eiffel Tower, ate lunch at a corner cafe, visited the Hotel des Invalides, and headed to see MC's sister Josephine in her apartment outside Paris. She made us a delicious French meal and taught me a card game. Of course, by this time, we were quite exhausted!

Then this morning, we visited the Louvre and met my family for lunch afterward. The Louvre is both beautiful and exhaustive, and there is no way any human being can see it all in less than a month! In the afternoon, we went to the palace at Versailles. Everything was ornate and beautiful!

Today alone, I have learned the most about French history, completely due to the extensive teaching of Mr. de Boysson.

In the morning, we will be driving to their vacation castle, and internet will be sketchy. If we do get it, I'll explain more about what's been happening.


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